Facebook Ads: Getting Started On The Social Giant


Are you passionate about exploring new ideas about the whole world of Facebook?  Wherever you look around you, each one is engrossed in the world of Facebook. To have a very clear and better understanding of the advertising world of Facebook below mentioned is some of the ways to help you anchor profits.

Facebook ads are not only powerful, but also cost effective. But to reap the full benefits you need to know the technicalities of advertising and get the maximum out of it.

Getting Started:

Your first Facebook advertising step is you have to go to the Facebook Advertising page. When you use the Facebook ad, your folks can like the page and be connected to your page.

Facebook Ads

In this way your page will get a lot more user attention as well as likes. No doubt Facebook is an amazing place to spread your social network and involve with more people.

Be a Watchdog for Your Ad’s CTR:

The number of clicks your ads gets is an important measure for your ad’s success. Click through Rate or CTR helps you determine the number of clicks.

Your success on Facebook will not be judged on the basis of likes but on the basis of the CTR. Having a CTR below 0.1 means your ad is an under-performing one.

In such a case, necessary changes need to be made. Even if you want more popularity and more likes, the CTR is important and should not be neglected. Facebook keeps an eye on the CTR of Facebook ads and gives more visibility on the site.

Create a Network of Facebook Friends:

Create a network of friends who might like your adds and this will encourage others to follow your add when they find you are already being followed!

 So, it seems that targeting the friends of the people who already like your page will lead to good results.

Facebook Ad Targeting

It is no doubt a time taking task as to get results on Facebook, especially if you are using this method, since it depends on the response of the target group.

Make Constant Changes:

Always be patient to the reactions and vibes of the followers as this takes time. Therefore you have to be very steady with changes you make, because these will impact your traffic and in turn prosperity. In order to get your ads running successfully, you will need to devote a lot of time and energy. You shall have to wait for the responses of your target audience before you take any new step.

One wrong step may cause a lot of loss in user engagement. Also, each ad will run successfully only for a short time. That is why you need to create many ads to figure out which type of ad is running the best.

Keep many small changes and note down the audience response.

Stick to Your Budget:

Facebook Ad Budget

It is very important to keep in mind that each ad campaign needs to have a solid and fixed budget that should not be ideally exceeded. Only by maintaining a strict budget and sticking to it can you work long term.

It has been seen that Facebook ads can be extremely beneficial for business if they are used in the right way. Getting started on the social giant is just a step away. Good luck for your first Facebook Ads.

An “Action” is an in-ad Likes:

If you’re advertising a fan page, “Actions” refer to in-ad Likes. In other words, an Action is when someone clicks like on your ad, but doesn’t click through to your page.

Facebook doesn’t show Actions from the Campaign Overview screen, so you’ll have to click into an ad to see Actions. This may be an extra step, but if at the end of the day your goal is more fans, you need to be keeping track of Actions.

Facebook Ad Performance

Clicking on a specific ad will give you a more in-depth look into the performance of your ad over time, including number of Actions.

Unfortunately, measuring the actual cost per fan (CPF) of a given ad is not as easy as it should be. And, perhaps at some point in the near future, Facebook will make this a standard measurement tool. But until that point comes, you’ll either need a custom software tool or you can use Actions as a base level estimate for fan acquisition. Just keep in mind that Actions only tell half of the story. The other half is the percentage of people who did click through to your page and liked your page at that point.

Facebook does provide a few additional reports that can help you gain a better understanding of the costs and conversion analytics related to acquiring fans. These reports, including the “Advertising Performance” report, can be found in the reports section of the Facebook Ad Manager.”

The biggest challenge with Facebook advertising is maximizing the efficiency of your ads. In short, this means getting as many likes for as little money as possible.

Facebook: Ad Destinations

There are two primary destinations that can be advertised through Facebook. A destination within Facebook is a page, group, event or application. A destination outside of Facebook is a URL such as

A primary distinction between these two types of ads is that with an outside URL, users are only able to like the ad. For destinations on Facebook, users have the opportunity to like the page (or RSVP to the event) from within the ad.

The two major benefits of the latter are that (1) users can become connected to your page (or event) without ever clicking on the ad itself (which is a huge benefit for CPC advertisers) and (2) you’re keeping people on Facebook.

On the surface, there is only a subtle difference between advertising something on Facebook and advertising an outside URL. But there are actually major differences between the two. Make sure you’re selecting the right type of ad for your goal.

Use of a Sponsored Story

Facebook, users often want to be involved with “stories,” not “ads”—the major difference being that ads are only one-way communication whereas stories are more participatory and conversational.

Facebook Sponsored Story

For example this sponsored story, you have the ability to like the brand, comment or share.

These stories are shown to “friends of fans” (users whose friends are fans of your page and interact with your brand). These stories always show the friend’s profile photo and name, something not displayed with Marketplace Ads, and hence the social dimension.

Sponsored Stories can be generated from any of the following actions:

  • Page Like (user Likes your page and their friends will see this)
  • Page Post Like (user Likes a post on your page)
  • Page Post Comment (user comments on a post)
  • App Used or App Shared (user interacts with your app)
  • Question Answered (user answers a question you posted on your page)
  • Event RSVP (user indicates they are attending your event)

Facebook Ad vs Sponsored Story

Above you see a conventional Like Ad alongside a Page like Sponsored Story. Both of these instigate a user to engage with your page, the only big difference is that the Sponsored Story contains the “voice of friend” that is more likely to drive engagement from friends of fans. This encourages the navigators of your page to directly connect with your ad as he/she finds that many people have already liked your product or service displayed.

Sponsored Post Ads

The Sponsored Post Ad provides you the privilege to display the same content in an ad unit as on your page. If users are not already connected to your brand through a friend, they will see an ad and have the choice to Like your page.

Existing fans and friends of fans will see a Sponsored Story showing their friends who are connected to your brand, providing additional social context. For managed accounts that have access to Facebook Premium, Sponsored Post Ads will also allow existing fans to interact by Liking or commenting directly within the Sponsored Story. This greater degree of engagement is not currently available to advertisers through the Online channel.

Sponsored Post Ad options currently include:

  • Text (you make a text-only post on your page)
  • Photo (you post a photo to your page)
  • Video (you post a video to your page)
  • Link (you share a link on your page, which can be used to drive traffic off of Facebook)
  • Question (you ask a question/poll)
  • Event (you create an event)

Facebook Sponsored Post

With Page Post Ads, you can drive video consumption. And you will find a huge difference in your facebook traffic.

So now if you’re ready to start digging deeper into your overall Facebook marketing strategy, then check out these Facebook marketing tips from the world’s top pros.

Well these are some of the tips which I feel if followed would definitely yield results and if you by chance discover some more ways please share with us!


S. Saha works as a Marketing Manager at Webaholic. He loves to help startups and promoting their businesses through content marketing. He is also an all time "Star Wars" fan.

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