Author Rank might be the next big thing in Google’s eyes, though it may not be fully supported by Google as a ranking metric (yet) as of now. But building a reputable name for yourself can be just as valuable in your industry or within a certain niche.
There’s obviously a connecting between authorship and author rank of course (use this tool to check your Author Rank). The idea here is simple – to get rid of anonymity and bring the face upfront.
Recently Google has applied a 15% reduction in the amount of rich snippets displayed in the search results. And speaking about this Matt Cutts announced at PubCon a couple months ago that this would happen, saying that the ability to have and use rich snippets may be taken away for low quality sites in the coming months to only show more authoritative authors.
Cyrus Shepard also mentioned that the MozCast features tool noticed a drop in authorship.

SERP Feature History
Now benefiting from this update won’t be so easy but to begin with this is where to start. Until unless you become an authoritative figure (i.e. High Author Rank) all this makes no sense. Now for this all you need to do is to “back it all up”. You need a way to show that you, your content and your ideas are high valued, authoritative & engaging…
A big shout out to the folks at Vertical Measures for creating this awesome animated infographic. Here you will find certain aspects to Author Rank that you can routinely build on like a machine, to help you become an authoritative figure.
January 21, 2014
Hi Saha,
Great post with an awesome infographic! Thanks for sharing and yes, Author Rank seems to be getting a lot of attention. It is a great idea to pay attention to these details and be ready for the time it becomes one of those vitals for search engine rankings on Google.
Have a great week!
January 21, 2014
Thanks Kumar! Glad you found everything helpful. Hope you have a rocking week 🙂
January 26, 2014
What a brilliant infographic – thanks for sharing it with us. I make a point to keep my circles relevant and share the correct information with each one. It takes a bit of work but it makes my G+ experience much better.
January 27, 2014
Thanks Sarah! Glad you enjoyed this post 🙂
What you are doing is absolutely great to keep your circles updated with relevant information. Not everyone actually invests the time needed for this but this will surely make your Google+ community a better place with a thriving audience.
January 26, 2014
Yowser…looks like Google hoops just get more and more intense…hopefully they will implode and something more organic will come in too…just feels like a monopoly that often looks like a dictatorship,,, that said your information was good to come across!
January 27, 2014
Thanks Sarupa! Glad you like it 🙂
Basically what Google is trying to do is to working against spammers to provide a better user experience or searcher experience. They are quiet savvy to identify low quality content & unnatural SEO a lot better in the last few years. And as Google becomes more & more intense it will be a lot easier to rank higher with high quality content.
January 27, 2014
Hi Saha,
Very interesting post and information. I think I will keep an eye on this to see what happens with my numbers.
Thanks for sharing and welcome to our B3 group. Monna
January 27, 2014
Thanks Monna! Glad you liked the article. It’s really great to have you here 🙂
January 27, 2014
Hi Saha,
What a fantastic infographic and info on the latest new changes coming on Google with author rank building. I will have to see if all the work I do with my blog and social media will make an impact with this new ranking!
January 27, 2014
Thanks Shelley! Glad you found this article helpful 🙂
Just visited your blog & I loved it. As long as you continue to share high quality content and implement Google authorship markup this new ranking process will definitely work for you.
January 27, 2014
S. Saha,
wow, this is interesting and very new to me… how in the world “Vertical Measures” made that info graphic ??
Great article and so much to learn from.. every were I turn there is something new to learn for me, and I thank you for sharing some of your knowledge to help me in some ways.
Thanks again.
January 27, 2014
Thanks Nick! Glad you liked the post. Thanks for the feedback 🙂
Let me know if you need help on implementing Google Authorship Markup into your blog.
February 4, 2014
Nice effort. No doubt after lot of Google updates, Author rank gain importance.
February 5, 2014
Truly it did Haroon. It’s all about bringing the face upfront. Thanks for your comment 🙂