A Marketer’s Guide to Pinterest

Last Updated on Aug 31st, 2012
Pinterest is one of the latest tools that let you construct and share interesting and beautiful things you may available on the internet. We can use pinboards to organise their various events, organize their favorite recipes and decorate their homes. Here are some of the basic tips that might let you to gratify your marketing strategy over Pinterest! The most amazing part is that one can easily browse pinboards which are created by other people. Pinboards browsing is a great way to conceive new things and generate inspiration to develop ideas and knowledge globally! #1: Promote Visual Content: As by now we all know that a visual social network like Pinterest is the forum wherein people who browse net regularly get to see the visuals of your business like infographi...

Olympic Games Offer Social Media Lessons For Small Business

Last Updated on Aug 13th, 2012
A war in the world of Social Media (Twitter and Facebook) have been declared between athletes and unfortunate tags and tweets were sent out — all reflecting Lessons for Small Business Glued like many Americans, we have been deeply engrossed in the 2012 Olympic Games which happened in London. While the games were the best entertainment and definitely provided a lifetime opportunity to cheer for favorite athletes, the Olympic Games has offered lessons for small-business and entrepreneurs about the do’s and don’ts of using social media. As soon as the games had begun, social media grasped the focus of attention for reasons being right or wrong. Athletes have been kicked off teams for posting offensive tweets. Twitter wars were declared between athletes and attende...

The Marketer’s Guide to Tumblr

Last Updated on Aug 9th, 2012
Till last year , you might not be satisfied with the society, guess that you have heard about the micro-blogging platfom or site named as tumblr. How come you heard it, because due to unsteady rise of stardom, and by November 2011, within less than a year, Tumblr has grown by 900%, has gone beyond its competitor WordPress. Still, if you haven’t add tumblr to your marketing efforts, then you must understand and effectively add in your work. There are few guidelines which will help you to start, and to grow your efforts and how to monetize tumblr. So all you need is to scroll down and download the Advanced Marketer’s Guide to tumblr Need to create a strategic plan for tumblr A marketer will always sit down with his team to create a plan for new venture like tumblr...

A Marketing Convoy for Promoting Your Business on LinkedIn

Last Updated on Aug 2nd, 2012
As large number of professionals are using social media networks to build relationships, link new contacts, and sell themselves professionally  and also for their businesses, it is now very important and urgent for us to know how to use the social media for our own marketing campaigns. One of the best answers is LinkedIn, a social network made for professionals looking to promote themselves as well as their companies. If you follow minutely you will find that LinkedIn tenders very interesting and amazing opportunity to create new leads. LinkedIn has ample tools for you to connect with customers, leads, and industry. Joining LinkedIn is easy, but converting it into a influential networking tool needs a bit of know-how. Facts about LinkedIn 60 million users Every sec...

Social Media Engagement, Are You Doing It Wrong?

Last Updated on Jul 29th, 2012
Nowadays social media has started to show maturity as a marketing channel. These tools marketers often use to implement and monitor campaigns to get more integrated, robust, functional, and powerful results. Involving with people the secret to success – This is a general misconception for campaigns targeted on growing sales and/or leads. While nothing is wrong with engaging with people from the social media, engagement by itself will provide negative return for any one campaign per se. Just engaging in social media conversations can in no way be scaled, adequately secured to ROI or for that matter be tracked easily. Creating content that is innovative, problem-solving and/or entertaining is the mantra to success. Friends, followers along with fans add to the infl...

20 Effective Ways To Get More Twitter Followers

Last Updated on Jul 20th, 2012
Often people ask “How do we get more followers on Twitter?” Blindly following junk Twitter account holders can damage your reputation. Remember one thing that other Twitterers not only will be able to see how many people follows you, but also how many you follow and who they are. Reputed Twitter users will often check your account just to see whom you follow, before they decide to follow you. If you’re too much loaded with junk, they’ll simply avoid you. Also there are tools to check how many fake/inactive followers you have, like this one from Social Bakers. A much easier and a better way to increase your fan following count on Twitter is through sincere actions—no spamming, no bulk-following, by presenting yourself a real human entity. In this po...

Tweets & Emails are Not the New Power Lunch

Last Updated on May 31st, 2012
I have a big problem with social media. And Twitter. And LinkedIn. And, mostly, good old fashioned email. Let me put those sentiments another way. I have a problem with the way business people knowingly or unknowingly delude themselves into thinking that social media and email are really sufficing as the sort of “relationship ice breakers” that are necessary to secure any sizable piece of business these days. By way of explanation, I should explain that I own a professional services company which offers website design and internet marketing services. I’m also currently our principal salesperson. Our clients understand that our services are not inexpensive and they also realize that hiring someone like us means the beginning of an ongoing relationshi...

Be Social: Creative Ideas to Jumpstart Your Social Media Presence

Last Updated on Apr 3rd, 2012
Social media has become the hip, effective, and free way to market your company, service, or small business. It’s supposed to be so simple that anyone with a Facebook can do it, but there are as many options, strategies, and potential pitfalls as in traditional marketing, with far more far-reaching effects. If you’re stymied as to how to start your social media marketing campaign, or you want to grab some new ideas for how to increase your social media presence, read on. You’ll see what companies like Spotify, Hipmunk, TheDecalGuru, Dunkin Donuts, and Durango Joe’s Coffee are doing to make social media work for them, and hopefully, you’ll pick up some great ideas for your own campaign. #1 Start With Simple Sharing: Spotify allows you ...

How to Set Up Your First Social Media Campaign

Last Updated on Mar 21st, 2012
As the global economy continues to become more tightly integrated, businesses are looking for innovative ways to spread brand awareness and market themselves. While the power of social media has been over-hyped to some extent by pundits and snake oil salesmen, the truth is that social media campaigns can be an effective way to improve your bottom line. When implemented properly, social media marketing efforts can do wonders for any company. Many firms fail when it comes to launching a social media campaign because they go into it unprepared. Here’s a quick primer on how to make social media work for you. Getting Started Obviously, the first thing to do is set up accounts on a variety of social media platforms. Most people assume that social media begins and end...