How to Track Social Media Traffic With Google Analytics

Last Updated on Oct 29th, 2012
The importance of social media is felt by one and all. Though it might seem a trivial issue at first but most of us are aware of the value of social media and the role that it plays in the social media sphere. It is a mammoth task to find out the whereabouts of the internet traffic that your website is seeing. The exact measure of internet traffic that is provided by social media websites to your website, you must make use of Google Analytics. It has all the answers that you might be on the look out for. March 2012 saw the introduction of the latest Social Report suite from Google Analytics . It has all the features that one needs to measure the amount of internet traffic that a certain website is seeing from social media domains as well as sharing of certain websit...

How to Setup Goals in Google Analytics

Last Updated on Jul 15th, 2012
Have you ever wanted to track beyond just page views and visitors? It is very important to figure out whether your website is actually helping your business or not. Here Google Analytics does a great job. But to get actionable metrics out of Google Analytics, you need to set up a few things first.  Tracking Goals & Conversions One of its prime features is tracking your goals and then its conversions; goals may be anything, ranging from the Purchase of a product to the completion of an email list sign up or Download of an eBook. In order to set up a goal, you’d need to first go to your website’s profile in Google Analytics and click on the “Admin” tab: you’d find here a tab for Goals. Click on the +Goal link to begin adding goals. Enter a short, descr...

Measure Calls to Action with Google Analytics Event Tracking

Last Updated on Mar 29th, 2012
Conversions are one of the most important metric which often gets overlooked. We often focus so hard on one main conversion point and forget about other visitor engagements that exist on our sites. These other engagement points or less-important conversions are what experts call “micro conversions.” World-renowned analytics expert Avinash Kaushik, in his Excellent Analytics Tip series recommends: Focus on measuring your macro (overall) conversions, but for optimal awesomeness identify and measure your micro conversions as well. He also explains the benefits of tracking both micro and macro conversions: It will force you to understand the multiple persona’s on your website, trust me that in of itself is worth a million bucks. It will encourage you to...

How to Track Marketing Campaigns with Google Analytics

Last Updated on Mar 9th, 2012
Have you ever wondered from where your website visitors come from, rather than just a domain referral from Facebook, Twitter or Google?  How about finding out if the large banner on your homepage drives more traffic to your products than the smaller banner in your sidebar? While tracking your online success Google Analytics can help you get insights from your data. For example if you have a Google AdWords account integrated with your Google Analytics account, then you can monitor your AdWords campaigns within Google Analytics. Now, if you are not assigning visitors from different sources to Google Analytics Campaigns, then you won’t be able to properly segment.  Without proper segmentation, it’s hard to make actionable insights. If you’re looking for these ki...