The Marketer’s Guide to Tumblr


The Marketer's Guide to Tumblr

Till last year , you might not be satisfied with the society, guess that you have heard about the micro-blogging platfom or site named as tumblr.

How come you heard it, because due to unsteady rise of stardom, and by November 2011, within less than a year, Tumblr has grown by 900%, has gone beyond its competitor WordPress.

Still, if you haven’t add tumblr to your marketing efforts, then you must understand and effectively add in your work. There are few guidelines which will help you to start, and to grow your efforts and how to monetize tumblr.

So all you need is to scroll down and download the Advanced Marketer’s Guide to tumblr

Need to create a strategic plan for tumblr

A marketer will always sit down with his team to create a plan for new venture like tumblr, and if you are one of them, it is expected that you will do the same.

There are few question you should ask yourself, if you do not do the above mentioned work:

  • Why is it necessary to create a Tumblr blog?  Is it to create awarness for your brand? Your wish to educate customer? Or You want to improve customer service relation? Your own answer will help you to create a sustainable successful blog.
  • Who will run the tumblr blog? Like running a blog for small business, you will be getting many people throughout your company who will be using it. It is very important to hire some one responsible who will be given a total charge of it, he needs to look after to the matters like who is posting comments to the blog and all.
  • Who will be your audience? If you are in search of reaching in a different seagment in the market, it will help you then, if you first try and understand who are your audience and what are their needs, for this you can take help of marketing research tips.
  • What will be your focus behind tumblr blog? I will go beyond my means to help you to determine your goal.
  • What are your strength and weakness? Are you successful in hiring the strategies of other social medias. Have yor past effoerts been failed? Are you deciding to hire someone, who is strong in your weakness.
  • Are you actually committed to this effort? While running  the Tumblr blog, you should keep in mind, one very important question, that how long you can continue with this blog, many people from the field of social media may ask you this question. Long term commitment is a step to success. 

Creating a great tumbler name

After the marketing plan, the very next step is to find a Great name for Tumblr. In the ecosphere of Tumbler, the younger and a frickle name, will either make or break through the marketing efforts.

Any guess what wuill make a great Tumblr name, which is short, catchy and memorable, below are some examples which can make Tumblr names great:

Accidental Chinese Hipsters: There tagline is: “A loving gaze cast upon the grandmother wearing dayglow jeggings and a visor.”

Awwccupy Wall Street: Photos of protestors who are really cute…like Dalmatian dogs.

It is not at all bad idea to keep brand consistency, because your follower will be easy to convience to migrate to other social media, if they recognize your name.

Need to create a customer friendly Tumblr blog 

One of the worst mistakes that people make is that Tumblr is used as marketing dumping ground. Some social media used it for business networking like Twitter. But Tumblr should be used as a creative side of business. First, you must figure out, what your target audience want, then work accordingly.

Need to focus on a Focus On A Very-Tight Niche

Humor works excellet on Tumblr. But that dosen’t means that uncessearily you need to be very funny on Tumblr. The following are the areas where Tumblr can be used like: 

  • SEO- you can share graphs, charts and infographics in your tumblr, that you have came across in your research.
  • Technologhy- you need to share short reviews and images on a specific piece of electronic equipment.
  • Social media- You can share images and post comments on tools, that will help people use effectively social media. 


Last, but not theleast as a business owner it is most confusing, when it comes to social media. As you are always bombarded with latest social media you should join, if you are like rest of of the people then it might get confusing.

Hope this guidelines have shown that Tumblr is a social media tool in marketing your comapany. This guidelines will also help you in long run.


S. Saha works as a Marketing Manager at Webaholic. He loves to help startups and promoting their businesses through content marketing. He is also an all time "Star Wars" fan.

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