Top 10 Content Marketing Tips For Beginners


Top 10 Content Marketing Tips For Beginners

Content marketing, which is relatively a new type of marketing catering free media-type content to its customers.

It is very different from that of traditional advertising which promotes customers to get noticed, content marketing broadcasts content which customers want in to market a product or service.

In content marketing, instead of developing ads wherein customers are desperately pulled in, companies create content such as:

  • Blog posts
  • Podcast recordings (.mp3)
  • White papers & downloadable guides
  • Infographics
  • YouTube videos that benefit customers and provide value

Well here are some Tips for Content Marketing for Beginners:

#1: Content marketing educates customers on your product

Very often people just avoid buying a product because either they don’t realize the importance of the product or they fail to realize that they need it. Content Media such as blog posts and YouTube videos educate customers to the point that they’re ready to buy your product.

#2: Content marketing creates a sense of acquaintance with customers

As you provide people with more and more free content, customers arrive at a point where they want to return the benefit that they’ve received. Suppose your company helps them become a better marketer and make more money, they’ll come to a point where they’ll want to buy something from you to pay you back for all of the free content you’ve provided.

#3: Content marketing creates content that gets shared

We often think what people share online. Basically they all share content. Generally if you look at any Facebook stream, major of outside content that is shared are links to some content, and are not links to any website. So when customers like you enough to click on a share link on your homepage, they can only share it once because, after the homepage is shared, there’s no reason to share it again.

The most important point is that people share content and not websites making a piece of content is much more likely to go viral than a link to your site.

#4: Content marketing provides a SEO benefit

For every blog post you publish, you have new content that can be indexed by Google. Without blog posts, your website may have 10 pages that can be indexed. After writing one post a week for a year, your website will have 52 more pages.

Even if the posts aren’t written super strategically, which at least some of them should be, you’ll have a total of 62 pages than can rank in Google for some term or another. That’s much better than 10, and much more likely to gain search engine traffic.

#5: Content marketing helps you increase traffic

With podcasts as an example, you’ll reach an audience that you may not have ever reached with blog posts or YouTube videos–you’ll reach people who listen to podcasts. Each of these audience members that find your podcast will also find a link back to your site. By uploading podcast content onto iTunes, you’re creating another potential traffic source that doesn’t have to be paid for and another opportunity to get your message in front of an audience. By using YouTube, podcasts, and blog posts, you’re creating three potential traffic sources for your website.

#6: Content marketing is highly targeted

One of the most important goals with any marketing campaign is to set your message in front of the largest and most targeted audience possible. A large audience means more people know about you, and a more targeted audience means that a greater percentage of the audience can potentially become buyers. With content marketing, you create content which is specifically produced for your customers. This specific type of content is likely to bring buyers back to your website. Every reader who follows your content doesn’t necessarily becomes your customer, but the audience is highly targeted and some of the audience members or readers will eventually become buyers leading to be premium buyers!

#7: Provide content of your customers’ choice

 A lot of people make the mistake of writing their blog about their business. That’s a major problem because customers don’t care about you or your product. They care about themselves. It’s true, but you can also take advantage of this. You can take advantage by providing valuable content that customers want and need in exchange for their attention. You can provide content which can be educational or entertaining, and it can be a how-to article, an in-depth guide, or an entertaining video. If the content is of your targeted customers liking they will definitely get back to you.

#8: Mostly write content for the customers’ benefit

If you’re going to provide value to customers, you need to mostly write content for the customers’ benefit and occasionally promoting your products. People are interested in articles and posts that benefit them, not ad posts touting how awesome your product or business is. By giving customers content that they want 4 out of 5 or 9 out of 10 times, you’ll be rewarded with an engaged and targeted audience.

#9: Write cornerstone content

Cornerstone content is content that can be categorized and archived in a way that’s easy for customers to find. It’s also content that provides incredible value to customers over a long period of time.en The best part about cornerstone content is that it greatly increases the ROI of your content production. Each article brings a return on your investment over a long period of time.

#10: Use other sites to find out what kind of content people want

Sometimes it’s hard to know what people want to read about. One way to find this out is to visit sites within your industry. Check their blogs and see what post gets the most tweets and shares. In the internet marketing niche, social media is all the rage. If you write a post about Facebook or Twitter, it’s guaranteed to get more shares. Do some researches to find out what kind of post are popular in your industry and write that type of content. You don’t want to write these types of posts every time, but it’s a great way to boost traffic when it fits into your publishing schedule.

Now that you’ve learned about the flaws of traditional advertising, the benefits of content marketing, examples of content marketing being used successfully, it’s time for you to create some compelling content. Write down a plan, follow the steps outlined above, and you’ll be well on you’re to more traffic, more leads, and more sales.


S. Saha works as a Marketing Manager at Webaholic. He loves to help startups and promoting their businesses through content marketing. He is also an all time "Star Wars" fan.

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